Together with the main character Astrian and his faithful companions you will rescue the world Algoad from the death and try to reestablish communication of the person with the nature. On the game course you will receive various tasks, find new friends and enemies and also improve your martial art. Fight with swords and guns, meet robots and magicians and fly by your own ship.
Install apk, unpack data to sdcard/gameloft/games/GloftELHP
Update: Multitouch fix, compatibility with all GPUs and screens, one apk for all devices, pink lines is fixed.
Compatibility: Android ICS and up, all devices, all GPU's.
Version 1.0.1 from patreon:
There's no splash-screen.
Download apk (free version)
Download data
Info: v1.0.1 based on the Galaxy Tab version (PowerVR).
Last update: August 21, 2018.
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